
jiu jitsu black belt in blue gi high fiving child martial artist

MTC Weekly Curriculum 3/2/2020


Family Friendly Environment

Our number one priority at the academy is to make sure we have a place where everyone can feel comfortable to train. Training martial arts is “the great equalizer. Your personal beliefs, your background, job, social standing – all of those are important – but when it comes time to train, the goal is to put all that aside and learn martial arts. We have a lot of kids and families that train here and we love it. Please help us by making sure to keep your language and attitude family-friendly. Oftentimes even during adult classes we still have children at the academy. Help us by continuing to promote the type of culture that keeps our academy so successful. Thank you!


  • New all levels morning classes starting in March  as some other schedule changes on Tuesday and Friday.  Grab a copy of the new schedule on your way out.
  • Free Muay Thai seminar March 29th, open to the public. This event is to bring in brand new students, so if you already train with us and would like to come, bring a friend!
  • MTC In-House BJJ Tournament- Thursday March 26th
    • 4:30 – 6:00 kids
    • 8:00 Intermediate Teen/Adult
    • Sign up here


Fundamentals A Day

Technique 1-Step & Jab

Technique 2- Haymaker defense- set ups and throws

Technique 3-Back Control

Fundamentals B Day

Technique 1-Step & Jab

Technique 2-Haymaker defense

Technique 3-Back Control

Intermediate Class

Technique 1-Lower Back Clinch

Technique 2- Ouchi gari (inside trip) from the over/under clinch

Technique 3- Kline brothers half guard sweeps

Black Belt

Escape/Defend Submissions from the back


MUAY THAI – Lefty vs Righty

KIDS –speech- Stranger Alert

Little Champs: one-legged monster (single leg)

Jr. Grapplers-Back Escape B

JG Intermediate- Escape from Knee on Belly (week 2)

Advanced JG-Coaches choice